Who’s Responsible in a Slip & Fall Accident?
Imagine heading into the The Forum Shopping Center for birthday presents, holiday shopping, or to have lunch with a friend. Halfway across the center, you suddenly find yourself flat on the floor. Lying there unable to move, you suspect you have suffered a serious...

When to Sue Your Insurance Company
When you are in a car accident, the initial aftermath is chaotic. You are uncertain about your physical condition and your car is destroyed. Once law enforcement has been notified, you learn the person who is responsible for the accident is uninsured which leaves you...

The Importance of Expert Witnesses in a Vehicle Accident
When you are involved in a car accident which is not your fault, you need to be prepared to get the compensation you deserve for your injuries. This is not always the easiest thing to do, especially in Oregon, given our statutes lay out a modified comparative...

What Oregon Business Owners Need to Know About Injuries on Their Property
The last thing a business owner anticipates is someone being injured on their property. However, what is an even bigger concern is negligence — not only is it bad for your business, but it is bad for those who are visiting your business. Here are some important facts...

What is the Process of Working with a Personal Injury Lawyer?
Victims of car accidents, medical malpractice, those who are injured on a property due to unsafe conditions — these are the people who will consult with a personal injury lawyer in Bend. However, these are the same people who have questions about the process. Some of...

What Am I Entitled to if I was Injured at Work?
On the job injuries are often extremely serious. Victims may suffer burns from a piece of failed equipment, suffer a crushing injury due to a poorly trained forklift operator, or suffer injuries in a car accident while traveling on the road for work. These situations...

Motorcycle Accidents and Oregon Motorcycle Law
Anytime you are involved in a traffic accident, the aftermath can leave you wondering how the laws will impact your ability to recover from the financial losses. This is particularly true when you have suffered an injury in a motorcycle accident, primarily because...

Why You Need a Personal Injury Lawyer for a Dog Bite
Whether you have been in Bend, Oregon for a week, a month, or a lifetime, you have probably heard of our town referred to as “DogTown, USA". Despite having leash laws, we also live in one of the most dog friendly areas in the United States. Our furry friends are...

7 Reasons Why You Should Hire a Personal Injury Lawyer
When you have suffered an injury caused by another person’s negligence, you may think you do not need a lawyer. This may be especially true for those who are involved in a car accident. The fact is, regardless of what type of personal injury you suffered, a personal...

Understanding Oregon Law on Medical Malpractice Suits
We depend on our medical teams to provide us with excellent advice, care, and to explain risks to us in understandable language. Sometimes we have bad health outcomes which are not malpractice. However, at other times, there may be a case for filing a medical...