Brain Injury Attorney

When you or a loved one has sustained a brain injury, whether due to an individual or a company’s negligence, you may have general damages (i.e., money for pain and suffering), and/or special damages (out-of-pocket losses). While no amount of money can make up for the losses you or your loved ones will experience, you will need compensation your losses from hospital bills, x-rays, testing, prescriptions, property damage, and lost wages and earning capacity. In some cases, medical treatment for a brain injury may be required for a lifetime. You may also qualify for compensation for projected future medical expenses.

You will need a seasoned attorney who has extensive knowledge of Oregon and Washington law as it pertains to traumatic brain injury, as well as the ability to calculate immediate and future lost wages, and the expertise to navigate medical and insurance systems. You will need a personal injury lawyer who can provide winning results. Licensed to practice in both Oregon and Washington, Nathan Steele is prepared to stand by you and protect your rights. Consultation is free. Contact our law firm today to discuss your case.